Notes to Contributors



International Journal of Instruction (IJI) is a refereed international journal of education and published four times a year (in January, April, July & October). The aim of this journal is to publish high quality studies in the areas of instruction, learning, teaching, curriculum development, learning environments, teacher education, educational technology, educational developments, measurement and evaluation, educational statistics. Studies may relate to any age level - from infants to adults. 

Editorial Procedure

  1. The manuscripts that have been submitted to IJI are first assessed by the editorial board in terms of purpose, topic, content, presentation style and mechanics of writing.
  2. The articles sent to the Journal are always reviewed by two members of the Editorial Advisory Board, and in some cases, if necessary, by another member of the Board.
  3. Depending on the evaluation reports of the members of the Editorial Advisory Board, articles are published or
  4. Article evaluation process takes approximately three months.
  5. The authors are responsible for the errors, if any, in their published articles.
  6. The articles need to be not published elsewhere

Notes for Authors

Contributors submitting their work to International Journal of Instruction (E-IJI.NET) should be informed that:

  1. IJI seeks to publish articles from all areas of education. Articles should include quantitative, qualitative research, comprehensive literature reviews, meta-analysis, model proposals and original writings of similar
  2. The articles need to be not published elsewhere previously. If the article has been presented at any seminar or conference, the name of the conference, the institution where it has been presented and the date of the presentation needs to be mentioned.
  3. IJI gives priority to current studies using advanced research and statistical methods and techniques.
  4. IJI considers original contribution to the field and competency in methodology the main criterion for
  5. Authors bear responsibility for the content of the published
  6. Articles may not be quoted without citing IJI and the author(s). 
  7. The Journal is written in English. Thus, the articles need to be written in this language.
  8. The following writing and referencing rules are to be taken into consideration. 
  9. To add new authors to the articles isn't proper after the submission.
  10. Once an article is accepted for publication primary author of the article assign to the IJI the entire copyright in their manuscript; that is, IJI has a permission to use, disseminate, and reproduce the article when seen necessary.

 Manuscripts sent to the IJI follow these process;

  • If there is more than one author, it should be stated with whom the editorial correspondence will be done.
  • A reference number is assigned to the studies sent and these studies are saved to data system.
  • After the manuscript was submitted, an e-mail is sent to confirm the acceptance of it.
  • Studies submitted are evaluated in the first Editorial Board meeting.
  • Studies which comply with the principles mentioned above are sent to the evaluation phase.
  • Editorial Board reports the justified decision to the studies which do not comply with the principles mentioned.
  • Editorial Board does not inform again the authors of the studies sent to the evaluation phase.
  • Manuscripts that pass the assessment of the Editorial Board are sent to specialists in the relevant field. If the reviewers are of different opinions regarding the quality of your work, the paper will be referred to a third reviewer. If the referee reports are positive, the manuscripts will be designated for publication
  • Referee reports are kept confidential. Authors have to be attentive to the criticisms, suggestions and corrections of the referees and of the Editorial Board.

Double-Blind Review and Evaluation Process

  • It is the responsibility of the editor-in-chief to decide whether the articles submitted to the journal will be published or not. However, the editor makes this decision after the reviewer reports. 
  • After the submission of the article, an assigned journal secretary makes the first evaluation. The purpose of this evaluation is to examine the article from a linguistic point of view, the compatibility of the article's subject and purpose with the journal, and whether the article was written according to the journal's writing rules. As a result of this evaluation, the articles are either returned to the authors or sent for peer review. The reason for the rejection is explained to the authors.
  • Accepted articles are sent to two different reviewers who are experts in the field and have current studies on the subject. Reviewer assignment is made by the editor-in-chief. The reviewers are not informed about the author of the article they are evaluating and the authors are not informed about the reviewers either. Reviewers are asked to evaluate according to the criteria determined by the journal. As a result of the evaluation, the referees prepare their reports and send them to the editor.
  • The reviewers evaluate the study in terms of purpose, method, measurement tool, findings, and discussion. Compliance with scientific processes is also within the scope of this assessment. The work can be directly accepted, rejected or revisions can be requested on certain parts of the study. In case a revision is requested, reviewer requests are sent to the author and the work is submitted to the reviewer again after the revisions. After the reviewers make their final decision, they send the final report to the editor. In case of disagreement between the reviewers, a third one is appointed. the decision of two of the three reviewers is accepted.

Based on Referee Evaluation Reports, Editorial Board decides;

  • to approve the study
  • to evaluate the study again after the issues stated in referee evaluation reports have been resolved.
  • not to publish the study.

After Acceptance

  • Referee evaluation reports and Editorial Board notes are sent to the studies approved for publishing.
  • Studies resolved according to mentioned reports and notes are reviewed by Editorial Board.
  • The lay-out and the design of the studies are done.
  • Studies whose lay-out and design completed are checked for the last time by authors.
  • At first, studies are published “Online First”.
  • Essays published “Online First” are prepared for publication and printed in a sufficient number. Changes are never made to published articles later.

Archiving Policy 

All of the articles published in International Journal of Instruction, are archived at a third party cloud server in PDF and XML format with their related data and as full texts. This cloud server is close to the access of the internet users. Also all of the articles are archived and published on the website of IJI.

Self Archiving Policy of IJI

Author(s) of the published articles are permitted to self-archive pre-print or published versions of the articles. Also, the authors may publish their articles on their personal blogs or academic websites (like academia, research gate etc.)

Article Corrections / Retractions Policy

After an article is published, writers may demand corrections after they recognise some errors that effect any part of the article. The authors should inform the editorial board. Corrections are made at the discredition of IJI. The authors should be aware of that the editorial board is tend to reject minor corrections that will not affect scientific integrity of the article. Also, the editorial board makes a decision depending on the publication stage.

The writers should write an official demand explaining clearly the need and scope of the correction. Then, the editorial board of IJI decides whether to send these corrections to the reviewers. After the reviewers’ comments, the corrections are published in the new article with the link to the first published version of the article. Also, another link is placed at the first page of the previous published version of the article. In revised version, a satisfactory explanation is placed.

The editorial board of IJI considers retracting an article when an evidence of unreliable data, plagiarism, ethical problems, duplicated publication emerges. The process is done under reviewer control and all the steps are shared with the writers and complainants (if any). The retracted article will announced in the queued issue of IJI with a note and metadata. Also, the first version of the published article stays in the related issue. If the journal is informed that the first version of the article should be extracted. The metadata of the article stays at the related issue. The metadata includes authors names, title and issue date and number of the article.


Sample articles:

 International Journal of Instruction apply the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) to all manuscripts to be published. 
